Committee for International Mining Standardization (CONIM) - Technical Standards - IBRAM

Technical Standards

IBRAM has developed, since 1994, an extensive program to support the participation of Brazilian companies producing iron ore, cooper and nickel ores and concentrates and primary nickel products in the development of ISO and ABNT technical standards. This program is coordinated by IBRAM-CONIM – Committee for International Mining Standardization, headquartered at IBRAM-MG. These standards are of upmost importance for the suppliers and consumers of these products, since they are used to quantify their quality characteristics, upon which the calculation of revenues, insurance payment and fines are calculated for each load in the commercial interface.

Due to the strong Brazilian participation in ISO Committees, Brazil has already hosted international meetings of the Iron Ore (TC 102), Copper, Lead, Zinc and Nickel Ores and Concentrates (TC 183) and Nickel and Nickel Alloys (TC 155) Committees.

In recent years, the professional staff of companies has changed a lot and, consequently, much of the more sedimented experience in preparing and applying the standards to control the production and shipment has been lost. Aware of this, and meeting the demand from companies, CONIM has created a program with courses to train new experts in this field.

Do you want to be part of CONIM? Send an email to [email protected] and get more information.

Benefits of participating in standardization works:


It enables the defense of interests of mining companies at the standard development stage;

It favors the occupancy of key positions in the ISO or ABNT structure.

Strategic Planning 

It allows the company to evaluate contexts and technological and market trends in the sector, as well as the reaction of competing suppliers.


It enables the participation of the company in international inter-laboratorial tests, which is an excellent instrument to measure and improve the efficiency of laboratories and sampling systems;

It promotes the technical development and improves the verbal and written communication of its participants, also in English;

It provides close contact with competitors and customers;

It evidences the cutting-edge technologies of the sectors involved.