IBRAM, through means of the Committee for International Mining Standardization, is implementing a series of initiatives aimed at providing support in the use of technical mining standards (ISO and ABNT – the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards).
Read moreBrazil Mining ESG Agenda
For decades, the mining industry in Brazil has invested efforts and resources to make the sector increasingly sustainable and responsible for everyone around it. The failures in mineral tailings dams, however, forced the industry to accelerate these measures.
Read moreWater Resources WG
The Water Resources Agenda is an initiative that has been developed by IBRAM since 2000 and represents a historic landmark for issues related to sustainable development in mining, particularly with regards to monitoring the implementation of the National Water Resources Policy, during which IBRAM participates in forums held by the National Water Resource Management System (SINGREH).
Read moreCommittees
The objective of Legal Committee is to facilitate the decision making of IBRAM’s Board of Directors and Executive Board by providing legal analyses, particularly with regards to the area of regulation, including government bills, drafts of resolutions regarding environmental, mining, and labor laws, among other pertinent legal areas. The Tax Working Group and the Artisanal Mining Working Group are part of the Legal Committee.
? Who can participate:
– representatives from registered IBRAM associates [mining companies], preferably occupying positions in their respective company’s Legal Department or equivalent areas.
– other companies and law offices that have been previously referred by the miners participating on the Committee.
? Meeting frequency: as necessary.
? IBRAM Coordinating Body: IBRAM’s Institutional Relations Directorate
Contact information: [email protected] / [email protected] -
In order to face existing challenges, particularly those related to the mapping out and monitoring of legislative proposals, IBRAM created the Government Relations Committee (the RelGov Committee). This working group seeks to centralize strategies and efforts made to defend the interests of the mining sector. The RelGov Committee has been carrying out intensive work since 2018 to communicate directly with governments, particularly the legislative and executive branches, during the preparation of proposals from the mining industry and holding events and debates of relevance to the sector. The Committee works directly with the National Confederation of Industry (CNI) in developing strategies for defending the interests of the mining sector. Other partners involved in the committee include a variety of business organizations throughout Brazil.
Who can participate:
– representatives from registered IBRAM associates [mining companies].
– other companies that have been previously referred by the mining companies participating on the Committee.
? Meeting frequency: weekly.
? IBRAM Coordinating Body: IBRAM’s Institutional Relations Directorate
Contact information: [email protected] / [email protected] -
The Communications Committee brings together representatives from the Communications departments of different mining companies and IBRAM in order to discuss, plan, structure, and execute strategies and action plans aimed at achieving the objectives of the Institute. The group exchanges experiences, analyzes proposals, and offers suggestions for improving the results of efforts made in conjunction with the mining sector.
The participation of members on this Committee has been fundamental in the Institute being able to implement initiatives and effectively communicate them within society. The Committee represents productive and genuine interaction between miners and IBRAM’s teams in the implementation of the Institute’s Communications policies.
In addition, the Committee seeks to expand the impact of projects and events that are led by IBRAM, as well as provide associates with support in their own communications activities. The Committee has also proven itself to be an extremely important forum for including associates in IBRAM’s day-to-day activities, allowing them to play a role in discussions and issues of common interest.
? Who can participate:
– representatives from registered IBRAM associates [mining companies], preferably occupying positions in their respective company’s Communications Department or equivalent areas.
– other companies that have been previously referred by the mining companies participating on the Committee.
? Meeting frequency: monthly.
? IBRAM Coordinating Body: IBRAM’s Communications Directorate
Contact information: [email protected] / [email protected] -
The Mining Issues Committee was formed for the purposes of monitoring and analyzing the current regulatory environment and its impact on the production sector, thereby defending the interests of the mining sector.
The Committee monitors and works with sector activities and updates regulated through the following areas: The Brazilian Mining Code, the legislation, development, and practices necessary for obtaining environmental licenses, legislations, development, and practices regarding tailings dams, new regulations from the National Mining Agency – ANM, new guidelines and plans from Brazil’s federal government/the Ministry of Mines and Energy’s Secretariat of Geology. The Committee also carries out work related to economic aspects impacting the competitiveness and development of mining in Brazil. The Mining Issues Committee also includes Working Groups for Tailings Dams, Environmental Guarantees, and Mine Closures.
? Who can participate:
– representatives from registered IBRAM associates [mining companies].
– other companies that have been previously referred by the mining companies participating on the Committee.
? Meeting frequency: as necessary.
? IBRAM Coordinating Body: IBRAM’s Directorate for Sustainability and Regulatory Issues
Contact information: [email protected] / [email protected] -
The purpose of the Sustainability Committee is to carry out discussions, propose strategies, and provide support for the Institute’s decision making processes with regards to strategic themes on the national and international socioenvironmental sustainability agenda, which may come to interfere with the competitiveness of the Brazilian mining industry in a positive or negative manner. The scope of the Committee’s activities includes Climate Change, SDGs – Sustainable Development Goals, Waste Management and Economic Diversification in Mining Regions.
In order to better meet its objectives, the Sustainability Committee may invite a wide range of national and international specialists with relevant knowledge of the issues discussed to participate in meetings, whether IBRAM associates or not.
? Who can participate:
– representatives from registered IBRAM associates [mining companies] and affiliates [companies active in the mining sector’s production chain], preferably occupying positions in their respective company’s Sustainability Department or equivalent areas.
– other companies that have been previously referred by the mining companies participating on the Committee.
? Meeting frequency: bi-annually (twice per year).
? IBRAM Coordinating Body: Directorate for Relations with Associates and Municipalities
Contact information: [email protected] / [email protected] -
The Health and Safety Committee is responsible for issuing opinions and reports and making proposals for guidelines in order to provide support for IBRAM’s decision making processes with regards to Occupational Health and Safety.
The Health and Safety Committee has sponsors that contribute to their development.
The following Working Groups are part of the Health and Safety Committee:
? WG for COVID-19 Alignment
? Occupational Health WG
? Occupational Health and Safety Indicators WG
? Health and Safety Legislation WG
? WG on Critical Occupational Health and Safety Risks
? Who can participate:
– representatives from registered IBRAM associates [mining companies], preferably occupying positions in their respective company’s Occupational Health and Safety Department or equivalent areas.
– other companies that have been previously referred by the mining companies participating on the Committee.
? Meeting frequency: bi-annually (twice per year).
? IBRAM Coordinating Body: IBRAM’s Directorate for Sustainability and Regulatory Issues
Contact information: [email protected] / [email protected]
Tax Working Group
The Tax WG is a branch of IBRAM’s Legal Committee made up of professionals from miners and invited guests specializing in tax law. Its main goal is to provide support for IBRAM’s decision making processes through means of technical/legal analyses of proposed legislation and other acts that may come to have a negative impact on the mining industry. The Tax WG has been in place for several years and has previously worked with CFEM (Financial Compensation for Mineral Exploitation), TFRM (Tax on Control and Monitoring of Mining Resources Research, Exploitation and Use, the Kandir Law, among other issues. Most recently, it has been providing IBRAM with analyses of proposed tax reforms that are currently being discussed in the National Congress of Brazil.
? Who can participate:
– representatives from registered IBRAM associates [mining companies].
– other companies and law offices that have been previously referred by the miners participating in the Working Group.
? Meeting frequency: quarterly.
? IBRAM Coordinating Body: IBRAM’s Institutional Relations Directorate
Contact information: [email protected] / [email protected] -
Artisanal Mining Working Group
The Artisanal Mining WG was created for the purposes of developing knowledge in the mining sector with regards to legal and illegal artisanal mining activities, which may have a negative effect on the mining industry and to propose possible solutions, particularly within the scope of public policy. The Artisanal Mining WG is a space for dialog and developing partnerships between a wide range of actors.
? Who can participate:
– representatives from registered IBRAM associates [mining companies].
– other companies and law offices that have been previously referred by the miners participating in the Working Group.
? Meeting frequency: as necessary.
? IBRAM Coordinating Body: IBRAM’s Institutional Relations Directorate
Contact information: [email protected] / [email protected] -
Tailings Dams WG
The Tailings Dams Working Group is a group that has been carrying out intensive work within IBRAM, particularly in recent years, in relation to both technical and environmental and regulatory issues. The working group monitors new resolutions, government decrees, bills, among other issues within both the state and federal sphere. The working group works actively to review standards, monitor the passing of resolutions, the sending of contributions through subsidies to regulatory organs, as well as discussions, contributions, and dialog carried out with a variety of national and international committees.
The group also monitors processes related to the decommissioning of upstream tailings dams, particularly in the state of Minas Gerais. Additionally, the group is responsible for studying additional criteria provided recently provided for under new resolutions passed by the National Mining Agency (ANM) and other federal and state organs. Throughout the monitoring process, the Tailings Dams Working Group considers the technical complexities involved in each operation, discussing their impacts in relation to fulfilling the requirements of current legislation in order for new techniques to be developed.
IBRAM also participates in the Working Group’s discussions and contributions that are coordinated by the Brazilian Committee on Dams – CBDB, ICOLD’s representative in Brazil, and the National Water Resources Council’s (CNRH) Technical Board on Dam Safety.
? Who can participate:
– representatives from registered IBRAM associates [mining companies].
– other companies that have been previously referred by the mining companies participating in the Working Group.
? Meeting frequency: as necessary.
? IBRAM: Directorate for Sustainability and Regulatory Issues
Contact information: [email protected] / [email protected] -
Environmental Guarantees Working Group
IBRAM formed the Environmental Guarantees Working Group in August of 2020 in order to carry out work related to Environmental Guarantees as provided for under Minas Gerais State Law number 23.291/2019. The working group is aimed at assessing cooperating with the regulations set forth under this Law in relation to the item establishing provisions for Environmental Guarantees. The law implemented increasingly rigorous standards for environmental licensing and dam regulations in the state of Minas Gerais. The Working Group collaborates with government organs through means of economic and financial studies aimed at providing more relevant parameters for the formation of an environmental guarantee fund.
? Who can participate:
– representatives from registered IBRAM associates [mining companies].
– other companies that have been previously referred by the mining companies participating in the Working Group.
? Meeting frequency: as necessary.
? IBRAM Coordinating Body: IBRAM’s Directorate for Sustainability and Regulatory Issues
Contact information: [email protected] / [email protected] -
Mine Closures WG
The Mine Closures Working Group seeks to establish a continuous exchange of technical knowledge and experience, particularly with regards to mine closure policy in Brazil. The working group’s representatives seek to promote initiatives that reduce the socioeconomic and environmental impact of processes aimed at ending production activities and that are considered fundamental aspects of companies’ strategic planning. The Working Group’s activities include developing innovative technical solutions, disseminating best practices, and contributing to legislative improvements.
The group’s main areas of activity and discussion include the preparation and implementation of mine closure plans, assessment of best practices and case studies, financial guarantees provided for under current legislation and related trends, scenarios surrounding mine closures and post-closure contexts – within both an organizational and sectoral scope, local socioeconomic development, diagnostics and environmental restoration, the decommissioning of dams, tailings management – disposal, alternative applications, coproducts.
? Who can participate:
– representatives from registered IBRAM associates [mining companies].
– other companies that have been previously referred by the mining companies participating in the Working Group.
? Meeting frequency: as necessary.
? IBRAM Coordinating Body: Directorate for Sustainability and Regulatory Issues
Contact information: [email protected] / [email protected] -
Underground Mining Workdays WG
Group made up of associates with underground mining operations. Discussions regarding labor legislation, collective bargaining agreements, length of workday, and gender. A temporary Working Group, its main goal is to provide support for IBRAM’s decision making processes through means of technical/legal analyses of proposed legislation and other institutional acts that may come to have a negative impact on the mining industry.
? Who can participate:
– representatives from registered IBRAM associates [mining companies].
– other companies that have been previously referred by the mining companies participating in the Working Group.
? Meeting frequency: as necessary.
? IBRAM Coordinating Body: Directorate for Sustainability and Regulatory Issues
Contact information: [email protected] / [email protected]